If you've already done my FREE VIDEO SERIES, you know that while there is a spectrum
that GASLIGHTING behaviors and experiences fall on, no matter what,
chronic GASLIGHTING causes trauma.
Recurring trauma causes trauma brain - something science has shown to have concussion like impact! This can present a challenge when you're trying to learn new things, recognize patterns, and come up with solutions!
This understanding is at the heart of how I created my signature program; a program designed to not just educate you about GASLIGHTING – I want to help you TRANSFORM!
I want to help you shift CONFIDENTLY from
understanding GASLIGHTING
to MASTERING the information and tools
that will enable you to become
With the The Empowerment Program PLUS Private 1:1 Sessions, Your Program Includes:
Lifetime access to the Signature Program
12 private 1:1 sessions with Sarah
3 One-Hour Sessions + 9 Half-Hour Sessions
All scheduled at your convenience and at particular points during the program
The 3 Main Benefits of adding Private Sessions to your Empowerment Program experience:
Private sessions allow for a ton of FLEXIBILITY! Not only do you have my full calendar available to you to schedule your sessions, you can craft the experience that works the best for you!
Here are a few of the things my previous Private Sessions clients have enjoyed:
Scheduling their sessions bi-weekly to give them more time to go through the material.
Pausing sessions when life takes unexpected twists and turns and resuming their sessions when they're ready.
Combining 30-minutes sessions into longer sessions to deal with big issues that happening in their relationship.
According to APSATS the very FIRST thing you need in order to heal is SAFETY and STABILITY. Private sessions allow for complete PRIVACY - which, in turn,
fosters the deepest level of SAFETY. In these 1:1 private sessions, you don't have to think twice about who might be hearing what you are sharing; you don't have to guard yourself for potentially unsolicited or unwelcomed feedback. It may not be immediately obvious, but an added safety is that you also don't have to worry about your story triggering anyone else (high empaths who have been gaslit OFTEN unknowingly censor themselves based on what others can "handle"). You won't need to worry about any of that in your private sessions!
Because these sessions are ALL ABOUT YOU, you get to decide what you want to work on/get help with during each private session. And because my focus is entirely on you and your situation(s), we can create powerful insights and life-changing shifts.
*Due to limited availability and to ensure that this program is the best next step for you, a FREE initial consultation is required before enrolling in the private coaching option.
Some thoughts on if this options is for you:
The SessionElements:
(What is covered in each lesson)
You work through these elements in a variety of contexts; they are anchored in the more you engage them.
SESSION 1: The Journey Begins
We begin by getting familiar with the flow of the course, setting expectations for the work-load, stating intentions for what you want to get out of the journey this course takes you on.
SESSION 2: The Methods
Increase your ability to recognize gaslighting behaviors by deconstructing the methods. Answer the question: "How can I tell...?" You will use these to create RED FLAGS that alert you to GASLIGHTING in the future.
SESSION 3: The Techniques
Starting to go a bit deeper, we identify the seven techniques often used in GASLIGHTING. We address the question: "Why/How does this happen?"
SESSION 4: The Tactics
Taking out our microscopes (not literally, lol), we zoom in on the finer details of how GASLIGHTING occurs. This is where you learn about things like: love-bombing, mirroring, double-speak, and so much more, and connect them to the different techniques and methods.​
SESSION 5: The Roles
Deepen your instincts and inner wisdom by identifying the different roles a Gaslighter may take on. We link the ties between the tactics, techniques and traits the different roles exemplify.
SESSION 6: Why We're Vulnerable
Explore the ways we are both externally and internally pre-disposed to being vulnerable to GASLIGHTING. We answer the question - "Why does this happen to me?". Learn to use this new awareness to alert yourself to the areas you need to pay special attention to as you engage those around you. You don't CHANGE who you are. You get to VALUE who you are and see your vulnerabilities simply as the areas where you need to create boundaries (aka protection).
SESSION 7: Gaslighting Risks and Traps
This is a pivotal week you get to dive into your internal world and reveal the reasons you keep getting sucked into the patterns of GASLIGHTING experiences. This week you will confront the question – "Why do I do this?", and learn how you can stay connected to your inner wisdom and empowerment in order to avoid falling into those same traps ever again!
You are now able to see how all the moving parts of GASLIGHTING work together: roles, methods, techniques, tactics, vulnerabilities, and traps. This knowledge gives you the clarity to see where and how you can BREAK THE CYCLE – it's like getting the superpower of x-ray vision and you can now see through the bullsh*t!"(Sassy Sarah wanted to come out to play on this one! )​
SESSION 9: Relationship Healing
This is where we tackle one of the hardest questions: "Will they change?". By taking a look at how REAL change sounds, looks, and feels, you get a CLEAR picture of what YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO EXPECT from someone who says they're "working on it."
SESSION 10: Why We Stay
Honesty, courage, vulnerability, self-awareness, grace, tenacity. These are the things you'll tap into this week as you take a look at the reasons you are staying in a relationship where there is GASLIGHTING happening; you call out any reasons that are NOT in alignment with your values, and identify where values conflicts are keeping you stuck.
SESSION 11: Embracing Awakening
Get ready to spend some time connecting with your higher, fully awakened self! Step into the fullness of your potential, and imagine where your new awareness (thoughts, feelings and desires) can take you!
SESSION 12: Celebration
This final week is for you to bear witness to the awakening you have gone through. Validation, joy, recognition... you finish this journey the same way you started it - with intention and dedication to know yourself, love yourself, and trust yourself. ​
These anchoring points are what makes my approach unique! Why?
Because you will have
a tremendous amount of support
as you go through this course.
As companions for each lesson in the program, you will also receive a:​
From my own in-depth personal and professional experience, I created a program that incorporates “anchoring points” to offer additional support to help you navigate through the DECONSTRUCTING GASLIGHTING™ EMPOWERMENT program.
Musing: This is a question for the lesson; one that you come back to over and over throughout the week as you let the question sink in - maybe shake some things loose, and allow both your truth and your vision for your higher self to surface.
Video: Ranging in length of 10-30 minutes each, these weekly lessons are the foundation for what you will learn in the program.
Worksheet/Assessment: Each lesson has a worksheet or assessment that has been created to help you apply the lesson to YOUR specific situation. It can create powerful insights when you see your answers in “black and white”!
Embodiment Experience: Sometimes in the form of a game; sometimes in the form of an art project - these activities were created to help you “feel” into the lesson; it’s a way to bypass the obstacles your brain sometimes creates as a coping mechanism, and find answers you may not otherwise see. In these “backdoor” experiences, we often have big “A-HA!” moments, and come away with powerful validation and clarity.
Top Take-Aways & Action Steps: This anchor is about self-accountability! Naming the things that were impactful, sitting with what you need to do in response to what you’ve learned or discovered, and identifying an action step (or two!) to generate even a little forward motion - week after week - is how we begin to see BIG changes in our relationships over time!
Mantras: This is the space where you take those big, “A-HA!” moments/insights/action steps, and turn them into short phrases that ground you in your truth as you are trying to create new neural pathways in your brain - they inspire you to hold a boundary, not settle, not gaslight yourself, etc. An example in my own life is, “I define me!”. That came from the realization that I had been letting others have the power to define things about me, and I wasn’t going to let them do that any more. When doubt would arise, I would say this mantra and sink into myself with curiosity and compassion (and determination!).
Celebrations: This anchor is a psychological one - it’s about positive reinforcement! Opening the door to this stuff is HARD WORK, and celebrating our wins along the way - whether that win is holding a new boundary, discovering a truth about ourselves, or experiencing freedom in some new way - celebrating those wins tells our subconscious WE WANT MORE OF THIS! No thing is too big or too small to celebrate, and you can celebrate however you want. For example, saying, “I am proud of myself for asking for what I needed to feel safe, even though my partner said I was being too needy” is a celebration.
These anchoring points are incredibly powerful!
This program is for you if...
Emporwerment Program + Private 1:1 Sessions:
Your need for SAFETY and PRIVACY is the most important thing to you.
You want the flexibility of scheduling your 1:1 sessions when it fits best with your schedule.
You want the option that gives you the MOST 1:1 support.
In addition to being able to ask questions about the course, you want coaching around real-time things happening in your life and relationship(s).
You know the trauma you experience(d) from GASLIGHTING has resulted in "trauma brain", which means you often struggle thinking creatively and seeing all your options, and you want a SAFE space to brainstorm your solutions.
You desire (and have the time) to dive DEEP and make even MORE POWERFUL shifts in your life. (To get the most out of this program option, it is recommended that you dedicate at least three hours each week to working through the course, along with the "homework" you are given in your 1:1 sessions).
***This option is limited to 10 people at a time
The main difference is the AMOUNT of time and TYPE of time you get with 1:1 support!
“My favorite part about working with Coach Sarah is the safety I feel to say whatever I need, ask for ideas in whatever area I need, and always be able to know that she’ll be there for me. Being able to share my hopes and scary thoughts in a safe place is priceless, giving me a sense of stability in an unraveling world. I never, ever have to hesitate or wonder if Sarah will be a safety wall for me to lean on. She always is.”