Signature Course
"When You Can See the Patterns,
You Can BREAK the Patterns"​​

You don't have to search any longer...
While gaslighting is now a pop-culture buzz word, a lot of what is out there is either misinformation, or incomplete information... so, we often are left with MORE questions than answers. We struggle to name what we're experiencing, continue to feel disempowered by focusing our power in inauthentic places, are anxious due to the uncertainty of it all, and often stuck in internal conflict.
You can clear the fog of confusion around what gaslighting is. I can help!
Most of us were given a narrative...
A story with a set of rules we believed we NEEDED to conform to -
Because we had to survive;
Because we longed for some semblance of belonging;
Because we were told we had no other choice.
I'm here to tell you that you
have another choice.
You have the right to challenge any and every single thing you were told to be, believe, value and feel.
You can unlearn the beliefs that are not your truths.
You can unbecome all the aspects of yourself that were never truly yours to begin with, and the ones that are no longer in alignment with who you are now, or who you want to be.
How do you get there?
By first connecting the dots of how gaslighting crept in and disconnected you from your self - not only in your current relationship(s), but throughout your life.
I'm here to give you the tools and support you need to break free from the chains that are holding you back from living the life that you want.
Deconstructing Gaslighting® Take Your Power Back is a
1-lessonon immersive experience designed to offer you a space to sit with the information you learn and anchor it DEEP!
Through creative, outside-the-box, consistent engagement,
you shift from looking outside of yourself for the answers, to INSIDE yourself where the answers have been all along.
It's time to take your power back.

This program is for you if...

You KNOW this program is for YOU if:

After having gone through my Deconstructing Gaslighting® Assessment, you KNOW you're experiencing gaslighting in at least one of your major relationships.
While you *think* you know when gaslighting is happening to you, you want to better understand WHY this behavior is gaslighting and be able to clearly identify when it's happening to you!
You can't help but feel like you're an "easy target" for gaslighters/narcissists, and you want to learn the where/when/why you're most vulnerable to gaslighting behaviors (for example, being hugely empathetic without knowing how to have boundaries to protect that beautiful gift is a vulnerability).
You experience many effects of gaslighting, like confusion, self-doubt, and anxiety, just to name a few (I go through these in detail in your second lesson of the course), and want to move away from them and into a place of CLARITY, PEACE, and EMPOWERMENT.
You want to be able to SEE the patterns of gaslighting that have woven throughout your life, so that you can BREAK those patterns and FLIP THE SCRIPT.
With all the information out there about gaslighting, you are looking for a PROVEN method; a TRUSTED and SAFE source. (Read more about how well I SEE YOU!)
Here's Hope, one of my former clients, sharing in-depth about her experience going through the course plus group cohort.

Your Journey's Road Map

The Course Overview:

Part 1: Clearing Away the Fog
In the first part of your course, we will establish shared meaning about what gaslighting is, the signs and effects of gaslighting, and tips/tools to help you navigate the remainder of the course. This is where you set your foundation for learning to recognize the patterns in gaslighting relationships/experiences.
Part 2: Unmasking the Gaslighter
In the second part of your course, you will define the gaslighter's side of the pattern. The methods (or big picture) of gaslighting, the techniques and tactics used in gaslighting behaviors, and the roles people step into when they are doing gaslighting behaviors.
Part 3: Breaking the Patterns
In the third part of your course, you will identify your side of the gaslighting patterns - the place YOU have authentic power to effect CHANGE! These are: the ways/places we, as humans, develop our susceptibility to gaslighting, the risks we may carry, and the vulnerabilities those risks create. You will discover the traps that suck you in and finish this part with putting all that you learned in part 2 and part 3 into your Deconstructing Gaslighting® flowcharts.
Part 4: Reclaiming Authentic Power
In the fourth part of your course, you will determine what it takes for genuine relational repair to happen (what you get to require of people in relationship with you - ESPECIALLY if they have been gaslighting you!). You will also spend time reflecting on the understandable, yet out-of-alignment reasons people stay stuck in toxic relationships.​
SESSION 5: Owning Your Truth
In your fifth and final part of your course, you will apply three key elements to being able to own and stay connected to your authentic self: valuing grief, finding acceptance, connecting with your higher self, and honoring your journey.

“This has been an eye-opening, healing, empowering, and encouraging program… with each week I am becoming stronger, experiencing more clarity, growing in assertiveness and courage, reframing my thinking and continuing to use my voice to speak my truth. This program has been a life-changer and I look forward to my weekly vitamin S (Sarah)!”
​N, former program participant
These anchoring points are what makes my approach unique! Why?
Because you will have
a tremendous amount of support
as you go through this course.
As companions for each lesson in the program, you will also receive a:​
From my own in-depth personal and professional experience, I created a course that incorporates “anchoring points” to offer additional support to help you navigate through the DECONSTRUCTING GASLIGHTING® TAKE YOUR POWER BACK course.​

Musing: This is a question for the lesson; one that you come back to over and over throughout the time you spend on the lesson. As you let the question sink in - maybe shake some things loose and allow both your truth and your vision for your authentic self to surface.
Video/Audio Lesson: Ranging in length of 10-30 minutes each, these lessons are the foundation for what you will learn in the course.
Worksheet/Assessment: Each lesson has a worksheet or assessment that has been created to help you apply the lesson to YOUR specific situation. It can create powerful insights when you see your answers in “black and white”!
Embodiment Experience: Sometimes in the form of a game; sometimes in the form of an art project - these activities were created to help you “feel” into the lesson; it’s a way to bypass the obstacles your brain sometimes creates as a coping mechanism and find answers you may not otherwise see. In these “backdoor” experiences, we often have big “A-HA!” moments and come away with powerful validation and clarity.
Top Take-Aways & Action Steps: This anchor is about self-accountability! Naming the things that were impactful, sitting with what you need to do in response to what you’ve learned or discovered, and identifying an action step (or two!) to generate even a little forward motion - week after week - is how we begin to see BIG changes in our relationships over time!
Mantras: This is the space where you take those big, “A-HA!” moments/insights/action steps, and turn them into short phrases that ground you in your truth as you are trying to create new neural pathways in your brain - they inspire you to hold a boundary, not settle, not gaslight yourself, etc. An example in my own life is, “I define me!”. That came from the realization that I had been letting others have the power to define things about me, and I wasn’t going to let them do that anymore. When doubt would arise, I would say this mantra and sink into myself with curiosity and compassion (and determination!).
Celebrations: This anchor is a psychological one - it’s about positive reinforcement! Opening the door to this stuff is HARD WORK and celebrating our wins along the way - whether that win is holding a new boundary, discovering a truth about ourselves, or experiencing freedom in some new way - celebrating those wins tells our subconscious WE WANT MORE OF THIS! No thing is too big or too small to celebrate, and you can celebrate however you want. For example, saying, “I am proud of myself for asking for what I needed to feel safe, even though my partner said I was being too needy” is a celebration.
These anchoring points are incredibly powerful!